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Lehrveranstaltung 01954 (SoSe 23)

01954 Seminar Künstliche Intelligenz: Knowledge in Flux im Sommersemester 2023
Hinweis Das Semester dieser Veranstaltung ist beendet.
grundlegende Überarbeitung: Sommersemester 2023 Umfang: 5.0 ECTS
nächster geplanter Einsatz: -keine Angaben vorhanden- Versionen
Autorinnen und Autoren Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
KursbeschreibungKnowledge is undoubtably one of the most important components for devising intelligent systems. Representing knowledge and reasoning about it is a tough problem, let alone deal with knowledge dynamics. In this seminar, you will have contact with several topics related to knowledge dynamics such as Epistemic Logic (to represent and reason about knowledge), Doxastic Logic (to deal with beliefs) and Dynamic Logics (to deal with epistemic/doxastic changes). We will also address topics related to the theory of Belief Change: a field within AI that studies how an agent should change its knowledge in the light of new information (possibly contradictory with its current beliefs).
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 03.04.2023
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