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Lehrveranstaltung 21723 (SoSe 06)

21723 Foundations of Cryptology im Sommersemester 2006
Hinweis Das Semester dieser Veranstaltung ist beendet.
grundlegende Überarbeitung: Sommersemester 2006 Umfang: 3.0 SWS
Übungsumfang: 0.0 SWS nächster geplanter Einsatz: -keine Angaben vorhanden-
Versionen Autorinnen und Autoren
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Beschreibung
KursbeschreibungThe subject of this course is cryptology, the science of information secrecy and security. Cryptology consist of cryptography, with data encryption as a main subject, and cryptoanalysis, which deals with techniques for breaking ciphers. Cryptological algorithms and protocols play an essential role in the security architecture of many networks.
At the beginning of this course some mathematical background, important for understanding the cryptological algorithms, is treated. This includes subjects of number, group, and field theory, polynomials over finite fields, theory of complexity and probability. Before the modern cryptographic algorithms are discussed in detail, an overview of the classical encryption algorithms is given. Both symmetric (DES, IDEA, stream ciphers based on pseudorandom generators) and asymmetric (RSA, ElGamal) encryption schemes are presented and analyzed. Further subjectss are methods and algorithms for achieving data integrity (hash functions, MACs, digital signatures). Methods for analyzing and estimating the security of most of the algorithms and protocols are also presented .

Note: This course is offered in English only.
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 03.04.2006
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