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Lehrveranstaltung 78060 (WiSe 18/19)

Lehrveranstaltung ohne Fakultätszuordnung
78060 -Compliance - Grundlagen, Realisierung, Management- im Wintersemester 2018/2019
Hinweis Das Semester dieser Veranstaltung ist beendet.
Die aktuell stattfindende Lehrveranstaltung mit gleicher Nummer erreichen Sie über diesen Link: 78060 Compliance - Grundlagen, Realisierung, Management (WiSe 24/25).
grundlegende Überarbeitung: -keine Angaben vorhanden- Umfang: 0.0 SWS
Übungsumfang: 0.0 SWS nächster geplanter Einsatz: -keine Angaben vorhanden-
Versionen Autorinnen und Autoren
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Beschreibung
KursbeschreibungThe course provides you with comprehensive input into the basics and methods of project management across all industries and sectors. You will acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to differentiate the project cycle into its phases and to apply adequate project management methods and instruments. In the course of this course you will be actively involved in the planning and controlling of an example project for which you will develop solutions and apply different project management tools, forms and checklists.

Chapter 1 focuses on the basics of project management. It explains the characteristic features of a project and what kinds of projects exist. The functions and tasks of project management are presented as well as the instruments and criteria for successful project management.

Chapter 2 shows how projects are initiated in the definition phase and how a project organisation typically looks like. From the analysis of the starting position through the clarification of project goals and the structuring of the project order to the kick-off meeting all components of the definition phase are described.

Chapter 3 deals with the planning and organisation of projects during the planning phase. In particular, the project structure plan, the project flow and scheduling as well as resources, cost and quality planning are explained.

Chapter 4 covers the management of projects during the implementation phase and includes aspects such as project controlling, quality assurance, team leadership as well as project documentation.

In Chapter 5 describes the project completion phase. The structure and function of the conclusion presentation, report and meeting are delineated. Furthermore, it is shown what needs to be taken into account in the dissolution of the project team and in project maintenance.

Chapter 6 presents practical aids which can support you in your daily project work.


approx. 40 hours

System Requirements

PC, notebook or tablet, sound card (optional), CD-ROM or DVD drive, current internet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or a comparable browser). Operating systems: Windows, Linux, MacOS.

Mobile App of the Training Programme

The app of this training programme for Apple iPad and Android tablets is available on App Store and Google Play. Please use your matriculation number and password or your individual access code to download the full version of the app.


The course fulfils the criteria for accessibility according to the guidelines of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).


After the completion of the training course a certificate can be acquired at the FernUniversität in Hagen. For the acquisition of the certificate a written examination needs to be passed. An application for admission to the examination can be found in the course package.

Demo version

Hinweis Diese Lehrveranstaltung beinhaltet zugriffsgeschütztes Material, das nur nach dem Einloggen und bei vorhandener Belegung der Lehrveranstaltung eingesehen werden kann. Studierende der FernUniversität sollten sich einloggen.
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