Illustrationsbild für den Virtuellen Studienplatz

Lehrveranstaltung 09023 (WiSe 24/25)

Lehrveranstaltung ohne Fakultätszuordnung
09023 Micro-Course Intercultural Communication (Virt.) im Wintersemester 2024/2025
grundlegende Überarbeitung: Wintersemester 2023/2024 Umfang: 0.0 ECTS
nächster geplanter Einsatz: -keine Angaben vorhanden- Versionen
Autorinnen und Autoren Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
KursbeschreibungThe general purpose of the course is to offer a structured, science-based impulse towards the permanent development and cultivation of intercultural communication as a key professional and academic competence. To that end, the course pursues long-term and short-term goals.
Our long-term purposes are to help participants:
improve the basic attitudes described in the intercultural competence model (respect, openness, etc.); improve their knowledge (cultural self-awareness, etc.) and skills (observation, evaluation, analysis, etc.), stimulating a shift in their frame of reference (adaptability, empathy, ethnorelative view, flexibility); become more effective and appropriate in the way they communicate and behave in intercultural contexts.
In order to set these long-term learning processes in motion, the contents and exercises of the course focus on short-term learning goals that consist of:
getting acquainted with cultural models and
cultural dimensions as intercultural tools; and
applying these tools to identify and work out critical situations.
The contents cover among other aspects:
The Fuzzy Culture Model
The ?cultural dimensions? tool
Critical incidents
Moodle Umgebungen
Betreuende Liste der Campus Standorte bzw. Studienzentren

Irrtümer und nachträgliche Datenänderungen vorbehalten.

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