The assignments of the course Internet Techniques are available in HTML and PDF-format. Each file can also be downloaded and stored locally. To view the pdf-files, viewers are publicly available.

All solutions for one lesson must be sent in one zip-file (compressed file format) in one e-mail in text-only format. HTML-Mail is not accepted nor several files in one or more e-mail. (Turn off HTML-Mail in Netscape Messenger and Outlook [Express]!) Keep in mind: One solution in one zip-file in one e-mail is accepted only. (Zip-files can be produced by using Winzip, gzip, pkzip, ...). Everything else will be rejected.

Please send your solutions of the assigments via e-mail to the following address only: Even the delivery confirmation of the server tells you another responding e-mail address. That e-mail address is not reliable and direct e-mails are rejected, pay attention! The mail server delivers one delivery confirmation within 48 hours. You will receive only one delivery confirmation for the first mail. Following mails do not produce a delivery confirmation.

You can contact all tutors via: Please use only this e-mail for contacts. For questions, please use the newsgroup.

Your e-mail with your solution must indicate your registration number in the e-mail body and the lesson number in the subject line! Every mail not meeting these conditions will be rejected.

Following file formats are highly appreciated: PDF (Adobe Acrobat) for texts and JPG, JPEG for still images. If you cannot produce pdf please use Postscript or RTF (Rich Text Format) which can be exported from e.g. WinWord and StarOffice. Conventional fax or mail is not permitted.

The solutions of the assignments are accessible after the indicated deadlines for the assigments.

Please, be so kind and let us rate your assignment individually. We need a time window of minimum four weeks for correcting assignments of 100 students. Please do not bother us with questions, when the result will be available. Check often your personal pages for your results. If you detect any strange behaviour then contact us. For example, you see points for assignment four but no points for assignment three, even you are sure you sent in your assignment.

We are not responsible for the overall look of the bachelor pages nor for any other lessons than Internet-Techniques.

Thanks for your attention, the tutors.  





Lesson 1 1. Date HTML PDF 1. Date Solutions 1 PDF
Lesson 2 2. Date HTML PDF 2. Date Solutions PDF
Lesson 3 3. Date HTML PDF 3. Date Solutions PDF
Lesson 4 4. Date HTML PDF 4. Date Solutions 4 PDF
Lesson 5 5. Date HTML PDF 5. Date Solutions 5 PDF
Lesson 6 6. Date HTML PDF 6. Date Solutions 6 PDF
Lesson 7 7. Date HTML PDF 7. Date Solutions 7 PDF
Lesson 8 8. Date HTML PDF 8. Date Solutions 8 PDF

  *Please note that the 1. Date of Access does not match the 1. Date of the Deadline.

06.12.2003 -